NICE! 16 March - 4 April 2016- Athens
16 March - 4 April 2016
and a book
Yiannis Grigoriadis and Yiannis Isidorou
Lo and Behold
Vaggelis Artemis, Alexandra Giannakandropoulou, Lizzie Calligas, Campus Novel, Kostas Daflos, Apostolos Ntelakos, Dimitris Dokatzis, Marina Gioti, Giorgos Gyparakis,
Dimitris Halatsis, Nadia Kalara, Zissis Kotionis, Tassos Langis, Anna Lascari, Giorgos Papadatos, Nikos Papadimitriou, Leonidas Papalampropoulos, Maria Paschalidou, Artemis Potamianou, Bill Psarras, Vassiliea Stylianidou, Alexandros Psychoulis, Yiannnis Theodoropoulos, Theodoros Zafeiropoulos.
Dimitris Allos, Vassilis Amanatidis, Orfeas Apergis, Rika Benveniste, Ioanna Boukova, Marios Chatziprokopiou, Theodoros Chiotis, Christos Chrissopoulos, Phoebe Giannisi, Katerina Iliopoulou, Yiannis D. Ioannidis, Panayotis Ioannidis, Konstantinos Matsoukas, Maria Michou, Maria Topali, Theophilos Tramboulis, Giorgos Tzirtzilakis.
Venue: Municipality of Nikaia Cultural Centre “Manos Loizos”,
Public Domain | Jun. 2014 - Geneva

Lo and Behold presents at Milkshake agency the project Public Domain
26th June – 24th August 2014
The project includes 25 artists / 25 site specifics located in 12 different cities in 10 counties and it is curated by Artemis Potamianou and Giorgos Papadatos.
Public Domain is a map-archive project consisting in documented interventions and actions in the public space.
The participating artists follow a specific working process both in terms of method and end result. They are asked to imagine and to realize an intervention on a public site in the city where they live. Afterwards they are asked to photograph the intervention and submit it in the form of a print. These prints will be exhibited at Milkshake-agency project space together with an index with exact location and time of the actions.
The end result is a linear visual archive of site-specific works which signify the artists’ varying investigations and concerns and also serving as an intervention in the urban environment. An intervention which walks the fine line between legitimacy and illegitimacy, since viewing the art object is not voluntary rather it is imposed upon the viewer. Concurrently, the artist is exposed in a way and on a scale in which not just his/her practice is externalized but individual ideas, feelings and attitudes are also freely expressed, following an internal negotiation where the personal is transformed into the public.
In this manner, a record is kept, a visual diary, but also a process of dialogue is activated which exceeds the boundaries of personal investigation.
This dialectic archive is acutely political in that it documents the pulse and the concerns of different artists who, not only reflect the culturally, politically and economically different societies which they are a part of, but in the end are also representative of contemporary art production of their time.
The first part of Public Domain which included 25 documented international interventions was realised and presented at Supermarket Independent Art-Fair at Kulturhuset of Stockholm in 2012
Participating Artists: Lanfranco Aceti / Eftihis Patsourakis / Yiannis Isidorou / Gaël Grivet / Yiannis Grigoriadis / Alexia Turlin / Lina Theodorou / Alix Delmas / Theodoros Zafeiropoulos / Giorgos Gyparakis / Benoît Delaunay / Maro Michalakakos / Iris Plaitaki / Campus Novel / Sofia Touboura / Jenny Marketou / Derrick Piens/ Erik Binder / Tea Mäkipää / Marc Bijl & Alejandro Vidal / Ludovic Bernhardt / Elena Bajo / Julie René de Cotret / Celine Peruzzo / Italo Zuffi
Curators: Artemis Potamianou - Giorgos Papadatos
Duration: 26.6.14- 22.8.2014
Organised by: Lo and Behold (
Venue: Milkshake Agency (24 Montbrillant 1201 Genève- CH,
Lo and Behold presents the exhibition entitled Reflections on Art and Literature, at rosalux – the Berlin-based art office.
Artemis Potamianou (Athens based) and Thalia Vrachopoulos (New York based) are the curators of the exhibition which will open on Saturday 22nd of February 2014 at 7 pm.
The exhibition will remain open until 22th March 2014.
The relationship between visual art and literature — close, reciprocal and multifaceted in terms of aims and objectives — is characterised by a dynamic interaction which had been going on for centuries and constitutes a popular area of art history, with different approaches depending on the researcher’s starting point.
Yet even without aspiring to follow such an approach, one can hardly fail to observe the common path, the parallel interpretation of historical reality and the interaction among so different fields of artistic creation, to the point where they go beyond being mere stimuli and sources of inspiration for each other as their boundaries are abolished in the oeuvre of certain artists.
The different roles but also the influences exchanged between literature and visual art make this a typical example of the evolution of a productive symbiotic relation. Although varying in their nature and expressive media, their creative process heeds comparable principles and fulfils similar needs, providing new paths and opportunities for discourse over and beyond the individual traits of images and language.
Participating Artists: Rebecca Agnes, Giorgos Papadatos, Isabel Baraona, Christina Mitrentse, Artemis Potamianou, Richard Humann, Nikos Papadimitriou, Meg Hitchcock, Kostas Bassanos, Renee Magnanti, Maria Ikonomopoulou, Tiny Domingos, Barbara Knight, Cris Giannakos, Imni Lee, Robert C. Morgan.
Curating: Artemis Potamianou, Thalia Vrachopoulos
Catalogue Texts: Tiny Domingos, Artemis Potamianou, Thalia Vrachopoulos
Opening: 22nd February 2014, 7 pm
Duration: 22.02.–22.03.2014
Exhibition hours: Thursday to Saturday, 3–6 pm and by appointment
Organisation: Lo and Behold (
Cooperation partner: rosalux (
Venue: rosalux, (Wriezener Straße 12, 13359 Berlin-Wedding, phone + +49 30 20237620)
PRESSEMITTEILUNG: „Betrachtungen zu Kunst und Literatur“

Media Sponsor:

State of Mind
15-17 February 2013
SUPERMARKET - Stockholm Independent Art Fair
Kulturhuset, Stockholm , Sweden
The project “State of Mind” refers to the notion of “Happiness” and is curated by Nikos Papadimitriou.
Buddhist monks believe that happiness has nothing to do with materiality but is a state of mind. Aristotle argues that happiness depends upon ourselves and Mahatma Gandhi that happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony. According to Wikipedia: “Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy”. The question is: How do we perceive happiness today? Who and under which conditions could be considered happy and what could possibly lead us to a state of happiness? Could someone be in a state of joy regardless of the social environment around him? The lack of what could be described as a joyful life and the loss of wealth -in terms of the western capitalistic paradigm- leads some of us to the emotional state of funk or depression.
participating artists:
Kostas Christopoulos / Michael Croft / Jack Early / Vasso Gavaisse / Joel Hurlburt / Simon Larbalestier / Julia Marsh / Nina Papaconstantinou / Yiannis Papadopoulos / Antonis Pittas / Provo Principles / Jinsik Shin / Marja-Leena Sillanpää / Johan Svensson / Su-Mei Tse / Vassilis Zografos
Public Domain
Curated by Artemis Potamianou, Giorgos Papadatos
17-19 February 2012
SUPERMARKET - Stockholm Independent Art Fair
Kulturhuset, Stockholm , Sweden
The participating artists follow a specific working process both in terms of method and end result. They are asked to imagine and to realize an intervention on a public site in the city where they live. Afterwards they are to photograph the intervention and submit it in the form of a poster. These posters will be exhibited at Lo and Behold’s booth at Supermarket.
The end result is a patchwork of a number of site-specific works which signify the artists’ varying investigations and concerns and at the same time serve as an intervention in the urban environment. An intervention which walks the fine line between legitimacy and illegitimacy, since viewing the art object is not chosen rather it is imposed upon the viewer. Concurrently, the artist is exposed in a way and on a scale in which not just his/her practice is externalized but individual ideas, feelings and attitudes are also freely expressed, following an internal negotiation where the personal is transformed into the public.
{The urban realm, sometimes in a leading role and other times on the sidelines, functioning more as a canvas or as a ‘wall’ on social networking pages, integrates the work into the space and the environment, raising questions which more recently are not just current but crucial.}
In this manner, a record is kept, a visual diary, but also a process of dialogue is activated which exceeds the boundaries of personal investigation.
This dialectic collage is acutely political in that it documents the pulse and the concerns of different artists who, not only reflect the culturally, politically and economically different societies which they are a part of, but in the end are also representative of contemporary art production of their time.
participating artists
Magnus Thierfelder /Sanna Marander /Vasileia Stylianidou /Stephen Lee /Guillaume Durand /
Nikos Tranos /Common Culture /Theo Prodromidis /Guerilla Girls /
Eugenio Tibaldi /Luke Ralphs /Dimitris Christidis /Internationale Surplace /
Andreas Voussouras /Bianco – Valente /Thanos Klonaris /Emma Hammarén /
Dimitra Marouda /Société Réaliste /Maria Lianou /Erika Rothenberg /Eva Marathaki /
Lilli Kinnunen /Yorgos Taxiarchpoulos /Tanja Ostojic /
After the Rage
8 - 14.12.2011
Lo and Behold presents the video screening program After the Rage, which will take place from 08 to 14 December at Beton7 Center for the Arts.
After the rage is a video screening project taking place over 7 days which will feature the work of artists from Arab countries and the Arab diaspora.
In selecting these artists, the project seeks to draw attention to the geo-cultural conditions that have emerged in the past year, what the media termed the “Arab Spring”, thereby predetermining its eventual course. The end purpose here is not to come up with regional clusterings or to look for national and religious stereotypes, nor is it to locate geo-strategic blueprints and power relations.
It is, rather, to reveal the symbolic dimension of this reordering of societies, which is taking place through the mobilization of a massive part of their nexus, despite the heterogeneous, contradictory and, often, violent means involved.
The search for these experiences, directly or otherwise, in the work of Arab artists, not as a mere chronicle in a linear relationship to events or future possibilities, but as a framework, whose common thread is the “adversity condition”, is especially relevant for contemporary visual art production in Greece, a society dealing with equally peculiar conditions, albeit of different origin.
Participating artists:
Ahmed AlSaer, Basma AlSharif, Kader Attia, Ismail Bahri, Taysir Batniji, Mounir Fatmi, Khaled Hafez, Lamia Joreige, Maha Maamoun, Walid Raad, Larissa Sansour.
Curated by: Giorgos Papadatos
Organization: Lo and Behold
Texts: Charlotte Bank, Ilias Marmaras
Opening: Thurday 8.12.2011, 20.30pm
Duration: 8-14 December 2011
Venue: Beton7, Pydnas 7, 11855 Votanikos, tel. 0030 2107512625,

Fear Φόβος {fóvos}
Lo and Behold presents the exhibition Fear ['fovos], which will take place from 24 February to 24 March at the independent space Salon de Vortex.
The exhibition explores the increase of individual fears and their currency in the present socio-political circumstances, and it considers the historicity of fear. At the same time, it attempts to introduce a framework of reflexion on personal fears as they are delineated in visual arts.
The practices of response to fear, also, are not always explicit, ranging from opposition, enforcement and occupation to defence, shrinking and withdrawal. In this respect, when personal fears constitute the raw material of artistic creation, they are documented as images of decorum, normality or ambivalence, while in other instances they are articulated as forms of conflict, anxiety and violence.
The exhibition examines aspects of fear as they have been illustrated in the work of ten contemporary artists. The participating artists come from different geographical areas and draw on diverse experiences and interpretations of fear. Vanessa Anastasopoulou depicts introversion and stillness; Sarah Dwyer reveals the fear of entrapment and Vangelis Gokas paints calm suffocation. Alexandre Arrechea renders the mood of continuous surveillance and pursuit; Nikos Arvanitis comments on social discipline, while Sifis Lykakis investigates the deformations and limits of the self. Clement Page explores the language of unconscious fear; Ciprian Muresan shows the fear of leap into the void; Yiannis Papadopoulos speculates on the poeticality and the space of fear and Amie Siegel films the urban spatialisation of isolation.
Vanessa Anastasopoulou, Alexandre Arrechea, Nikos Arvanitis, Sarah Dwyer, Vangelis Gokas, Sifis Lykakis, Ciprian Muresan, Clement Page, Yiannis Papadopoulos, Amie Siegel
The exhibition Fear Φόβος ['fovos] is the second group exhibition organized by Lo and Behold in Athens, following the exhibition Space is the Place. Lo and Behold will participate in Supermarket Art Fair in Stockholm, 18-20 February.
Lo and Behold is an artist-run non-profit organization based in Athens, Greece, serving as a platform for the production of cultural activities, both in Greece and abroad, with a focus on contemporary art. LaB's objective is to highlight the work of art itself as the outcome of artistic inquiry, rather than as a commercial product. LaB is concerned with research and experimentation regarding new methods and strategies of contemporary art production and management. It aims at dialogue and direct involvement with diverse social and cultural frameworks from all over Europe. Given current socio-economic circumstances, this dialogue is now more important than ever., +30 2108259994
Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday: 18:00 – 22:00, Saturday: 13:00 – 17:00
Entrance free
Curating: Evangelia Ledaki and Nikos Papadimitriou
Opening: Thursday, 24 February 2011, 20:30
Duration: 24.2.2011 – 24.03.2011
Salon de Vortex, Ithakis 24, Kipseli, Athens

Lo and Behold is participating in Supermarket Art Fair in Stockholm, which will take place in 18 – 20 February 2011.
Supermarket is an international artist-run art fair, which provides a showcase for artist initiatives from all over the world and aims at creating opportunities for new networks in the international art scene.
The project PIGS Case, with which Lo and Behold is participating, is an exhibition of small-scale works, all of which together fit into a suitcase.The works, by artists from the European countries with faltering economies (the so-called PIGS: Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain), convey a sense of the personal item which one takes along on a trip, or even when emigrating overseas. The project references Duchamp’s “Boîte-en-Valise”, a carrying-case containing photographs and miniature replicas of his most important pieces, which he created initially during WWII to preserve his work for posterity in a time of crisis and in the event that he had to flee abroad.
Participating artists:
Rebecca Agnes, Wolfgang Berkowski, Sarah Dwyer, Eirene Efstathiou, Paul Ekaitz, Vitor Espalda, Seamus Farrell, Takis Germenis, Leonidas Giannakopoulos, Dimitris Gizinos, Fotini Gouseti, Yiannis Grigoriadis, Chris Hawtin, Domenico Mangano, Yiannis Melanitis,
Giorgos Papadatos, Nikos Papadimitriou, Iris Plaitakis, Artemis Potamianou, Alexandros Psychoulis, Noé Sendas, Martim Ake Smith-Mattsson, Yiannis Theodoropoulos, Italo Zuffi.

Space is the Place
LO AND BEHOLD presents the group exhibition Space is the Place curated by Artemis Potamianou and is hosted at the exhibition space About
In the exhibition, Space is the Place, the new alternative exhibition venue provides an opportunity for a dialogue through which to define and explore the notion of space from different visual approaches, both morphologically and conceptually.
Architectural space, space as defined in relation to the body, geo-cultural identity, the ‘uncanny’ and the presentation/ description of a utopian space are the thematic areas to be explored in this exhibition.
Artists of the exhibition:
Wolfgang Berkowski, Erik Binder, Marko Blazo, Yiannis Grigoriadis, Thanos Klonaris, Alexandros Psychoulis, Christoph Raitmayr, Ioannis Savvidis, Yiannis Theodoropoulos,
Magnus Thierfelder, Rui Toscano, Italo Zuffi
Duration of exhibition: 26.04.10 - 28.05.10
Exhibition hours: Wednesday - Friday 16.00 - 20.00 and Saturday 11.00 - 15.00