Curatorial and Research Projects

// 10.000 WINDMILLS // From Werner Herzog to the energy commons

As part of the project, a video-essay and an accompanying doucmentation/ communication kit for the communities involved were implemented.

With the support of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Intercultural Issues, 2022


 Ένα διεπιστημονικό ερευνητικό εγχείρημα για τις πρακτικές διαχείρισης του νερού στο Οροπέδιο Λασιθίου Κρήτης και την τεχνογνωσία των αντλητικών ανεμόμυλων, ως παράδειγμα για την μελέτη των μετασχηματισμών και των διαδικασιών μετάβασης από τα πρωτοκόλλα συλλογικής διαχείρισης των κοινών πόρων στην παραγωγική και πολιτισμική συγκρότηση της τοπικής κοινωνίας και του τοπίου γύρω από αυτά.

Στα πλαίσια του πρότζεκτ υλοποιήθηκε ένα video-essay και μια συνοδευτική έκδοση καταγραφής/ επικοινωνιακό κιτ για τις εμπλεκόμενες κοινότητες.
Με την οικονομική υποστήριξη του ΥΠΠΟ Τμήμα Άυλης Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς και Διαπολιτισμικών Θεμάτων, 2023 Διεύθυνση Νεότερης Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς.

Drakopoulou Park, Patision 358 & Lamprou Porphyra, Athens 111 41
Fix Park, 10 Tsiller, Patision & Kaftantzoglou, 11144 Athens

OPENING: Friday 28 April, 19:00
Duration: 28 April- 14 May 2023

ORGANIZED – CURATED BY: Counterpublics

Rebecca Agnes, Campus Novel (Ino Varvariti, Yannis Delagrammatikas,Yannis Sinioroglou), Nikos Doulos, Juliette Brederode, Jelly Hogendorp, Eva van der Zand, Eirini Efstathiou, Matthew Gandy, Mariela Nestora, Maria Ikonomopoulou, Giorgos Papadatos , Yiannis Papadopoulos, Vangelis Savvas, Georges Salameh, Panos Sklavenitis, Fani Sofologi


A collective artistic research on the urban life on non-human organisms, a re-examination of the subversive potential of natural wilderness in the urban condition.


As the urban condition expands, incorporating more and more natural habitats, wildness moves into the city. Increasing human mobility drags with it the mobility of all other organisms – causing a planetary osmosis where all species meet in new and unprecedented conditions that would not be permitted by the natural topography..This new urban nature, is developing very different ways of survival than the primeval forest landscapes.

In the complex ecosystem of the natural forest, the exchange of chemical signals through the dense and interwoven root system of plants constitutes a language, a communication code, a socialization system that contributes to their longevity and well-being. This “language”, which carries all the useful information for their survival, is lost when they are forced to adapt to the conditions of the urban environment. The architecture of the space becomes more critical than the climate in which they grow.

Programmed for the complexity of natural ecosystems, they are forced to radically change their ways of growing and reproducing. Moving from “savage”, unstructured free connections, they must survive in a human-made order. Disconnected from their vital underground root networks, deprived of rich forest soil, confined and trapped in the stranglehold of urban infrastructure, regulated by urban regulation, they depend on human care as much as their supporting ecosystems. Urban flora is trying hard to thrive in what is the planetary habitat of the future.

And if, on the one hand, there are these domesticated species, which follow the design and care of the designer or the agriculturist, vulnerable to their “urban loneliness”, on the other hand, there are those who persist in wildness, who display a wild resilience – the “plant revolutionaries” who occupy every inch of abandoned, unplanned land. They escape from the borders, from the design, break through the hard boundaries, occupy the space in unexpected ways in all directions, remaining unregistered in the urban green balance. Others escape their decorative role, bear fruit, invite their propagating allies in the face of urban fauna, find their own “urban language”, establish “communities” on roadsides, vacant lots, abandoned factories. It is where the complexity is recomposed. The measure of their resilience is the measure of their ‘aggressiveness’. The more they thrive against all odds, the more they are considered aliens, hosts – but aren’t the domesticated versions of them the truly alienated? 


The series of interventions and actions is a collective artistic research on the urban life of non-human organisms. It calls for a rethinking of the subversive potential of returning nature to the urban landscape, beyond the domesticated, designed versions of the park and garden. It examines the modes of non-human, plant and animal sociality in the urban context, their patterns of persistent resilience, their geographies, the networks they forge, their interaction with infrastructural networks, the ways in which wildness reclaims its place in the regulated urban space. Paraphrasing the title of the famous children’s book “Where the wild things are” by Maurice Sendak, about a small boy’s wandering into the world of “wildness” through the safety of the dream state, the exhibition is an invitation to explore the unknown wilderness through the familiar condition of the urban dense city center.

The program develops across 2 spaces at Patisia, Fix and Drakopoulou Park, which are both cases of spaces that have been reocuppied by nature. Ιn the place of the first, there was until 2000, the ice-brewery factory of FIX, and in the place of the second the complex of Drakopoulou textile factory. The program includes artistic interventions, a soundwalk, workshops, a projection of the film NATURA URBANA and discussions with theorists and artists.


Opening Friday 28/ 04, 19:00
Performative acts:
20:00 Giorgos Papadatos, The other’s stage (Drakopoulou)
20:30 Panos Sklavenitis, Ad bestias (Drakopoulou)

Saturday 29/04
18:00 Juliette Brederode, Nikos Doulos, Jelly Hogendorp, Eva van der Zand,
Fluid Walkscapes – Corporeal imaginaries
Walking sticks workshop (English/ Greek)

Saturday 06/05
17:30 Mariela Nestora, Fieldwork
participatory workshop

19:00 Juliette Brederode, Nikos Doulos, Jelly Hogendorp, Eva van der Zand,
Fluid Walkscapes – Corporeal imaginaries
Participatory soundwalk
(For the participation is required a smarthpone with internet connection and earphones.)

Saturday 13/05
19:00 Discussion Rewilding the urban
With Aspasia Kouzoupi (Department of Architecture University of Thessaly/ NTUA), Yorgis Noukakis (Recual), Natasa Lekkou (Zuloark Collective)
Moderation: Constantina Theodorou (Counterpublics)

21:00 Screening: NATURA URBANA | THE BRACHEN OF BERLIN, by Matthew Gandy (English)

For more information:


// THE CIRCLE COMMUNITY //  Eight notes on a collective Ritual, 2022

 THE CIRCLE COMMUNITY Eight notes on a collective ritual, 2022
 A video essay by Counterpublics @counterpublics ( Giorgos Papadatos - Constantina Theodorou ) 
The video essay " Eight notes on a collective ritual " is an interpretive reading and extended decoding of field recordings, archival, bibliographical and empirical evidence, as well as recorded testimonies and interviews granted by residents of the communities of Rodavgi, Ramia and Baptistis Chouliarades in the summer of 2022, during the "Kykles" and "Kangelari" events. 
The visual and audio material is organized as a conceptual mapping keeping a distance from the linear narrative structure, the chronological recording of the travelogues and the observational documentary. In the form of notes that define meaning sub-fields and narrative chapters starting from the genealogy of the landscape, the collectivity of the communities, the secular character, the mourning, the duration and the healing role of the event, the inclusion and otherness, the hierarchies and gender identities, the morphological protocols of the action, and finally the open questions of continuity in terms of development, the existence of active protocols in the present that define the community or the institutionalization of an imaginary relationship through the action. 
These meaning chapters work modularly with the second parallel level of the narratives of bibliographic references, excerpts of public history and local myths that work antidotes, and relate the present record to a wider historical as well as fictional context. 
The video essay “THE CIRCLE COMMUNITY - Eight notes on a collective ritual” is part of the wider interdisciplinary research project by Counterpublics on the collective rituals "Kykles" and "Kangelari" of the communities of Tzoumerka, as an example for the study of the transformations and transition processes from the performative action to the creation of protocols that define the community and create the public space. It aims to an extended decoding of the elements that define the conceptual scheme circular dance - community - subcommunities - identity politics - public space. 
 Implemented with the support & funding of the Ministry of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Intercultural Affairs, 2022


 Soft protocols
August-November 2021.
Series of interventions at the border of the city, Athens,


Soft spaces, spaces in the interstices of “hardly” defined territorial entities, emerging in the gaps of legal jurisdictions, are always “in between”, trapped in a legal limbo, spaces of a-legality by default, deviant territories of action. 

They are rather socially constructed than materially defined, being both arenas of negotiation and under negotiation themselves; their borders being fuzzy and porous. In their indecisive and incomplete form, they are exposed to appropriation, susceptible to the exercise of the soft power of diplomacy and governance. Yet, in the same ambivalence they can be spaces of experimentation, they can be offered as alternatives to current rigid spatial patterns of social and political action. Their manifold potential exceeds that of strictly regulated space.

In the urban context they can be spaces of unregulated wilderness, there where the law gives place to unwritten protocols, where non-institutionalized forms of coexistence have to be constantly re-invented.  In the municipality of Athens one such area is the  zone from Tris Gefyres (Three Bridges),  where the Kifissos River is revealed under the National Road, till the Philadelfia junction, an area of  multiple, overlying and fuzzy borders. It is both the boundary of the city to the river and the autoroute, the meeting point of the dense urban fabric with a mutated nature, a jurisdictional border between three municipalities, the boundary of industrial uses with the residential zone; there where different phases of urbanization overlap leaving patches of the past untouched; it is a field of multiple negotiations. Its urban landscape constitutes an indecisive urban reality.

The project is an invitation to artists, architects, performers, and theorists to explore the possibilities of these open spaces, to appropriate them defining an open syntax of use, inventing soft protocols for an expanded public space.

With a series of interventions, ephemeral installations, urban drifts, performances  and discussions, taking place in the wider area we  aim to negotiate the balance between this insubordinate urban condition and the decisiveness of action- between the openness of possibility and enclosure of form.

The project will be documented in a collective edition, together with theoretical contributions at the end of the process.


Rebecca Agnes, akoo-o collective (Nikos Bubaris, Sofia Grigoriadou, Dana Papachristou, Giorgos Samantas), Ludovic Bernhardt, Lucia Bricco, Campus Novel (Giannis Delagrammatikas, Ino Varvariti, Yiannis Sinioroglou), Eirene Efstathiou, Stefania Migliorati, Kostas Bassanos, Giorgos Papadatos, Nina Papaconstantinou, Artemis Potamianou,  VASCOS ( Kostas Tzimoulis – Vassilis Noulas ),  Dimitris Halatsis




Artistic Practices: Housing as social agreement


Οngoing archive
26 October – 27 November  2016

Curated by Giorgos Papadatos & Sofia Dona

Parallel to the workshop Co-housing practices/ Ιnventing Prototypes for Athens
organized by Co-Hab Athens & NetHood (Zurich) & INURA Zurich & Athens

Hosted by #ThisIsACo-op Greek Pavilion, Giardini,
15th International Architecture Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia

Sam Durant's installation, We Are the People,on view at Project Row Houses in 2003  Photo by Rick Lowe, courtesy Project Row Houses


Postwar capitalism in the West has promoted its growth on the ideal of house ownership (with recent catastrophic financial effects) in a process of commodification of necessities of life. Commodification of housing though, more than being just a method of capital accumulation, resulted in the reconceptualisation of public and private space. Pierre Bourdieu describes a person’s existential relation to their position in terms of the social status conferred by the appropriation/possession of a particular extent of physical space: “Each agent may be characterized by the place where he or she is situated more or less permanently, that is, by her place of residence (those who are “without hearth or home,” without “permanent residence” … have almost no social existence—see the political status of the homeless) … It is also characterized by the place it legally occupies in space through properties (houses and apartments or offices, land for cultivation or residential development, etc.) which are more or less congesting … . It follows that the locus and the place occupied by an agent in appropriated social space are excellent indicators of his or her position in social space
Nowadays, in the wake of the recent housing crises which have subverted the notion of housing as a consumer commodity, co-housing and community projects emerge as answers to the “Housing Question”. This shift towards collective solutions has been addressed by artistic, architectural and curatorial initiatives that over the past five decade have variously depicted and intervened into this unevenly developing urban condition.
“Artistic Practices: Housing as social agreement” is an ongoing archive aiming to unfold a cartography of approaches by artists to the notion of the house, investigate and challenge the ways in which housing is not only imagined, but also effectuated by artists. Furthermore intends to point out the ways in which forms of cultural production can be reclaimed as tools with which to design, defend and reinvent social space.
The works featured in the archive are organized around four leitmotifs :Housing as utopia”, highlights the trasnsformative, disruptive potential of housing in the social imagination, as the first step to a radical autonomy.“Housing as uneven development “raises the issues of inequalities in the distribution of the right to housing. Housing as dystopic construction” illustrated by a series of projects that explore the conflicts and correlations between the represented space of and the social and political action. Housing as community building” explores the role of artist as social designer, the statial practices of commons, and arts based revitalization of under-resourced urban areas.

Featured works by

Rebecca Agnes / Jonas Dahlberg / Giorgos Gyparakis / Tea Mäkipää / Artemis Potamianou / Kostis Velonis / Erwin Wurm
Angela Ferreira / Eugenio Tibaldi / Yiannis Theodoropoulos / Mona Vatamanu Florin Tudor / Giorgos Papadatos / Dorit Margreiter / Errands / Taysir Batniji
Kimsooja /  Michael Rakowitz / Nicos Charalambidis /  Róza El-Hassan / Tudor Bratu / Teddy Cruz / Raumlabor
Ahmet Öğüt / Sofia Dona / Marjetica Potrč  / Zafos Xagoraris / Rick Lowe Project Row Houses /


Giorgos Papadatos
Sofia Dona 
NTUA / MFA Bauhaus Uni Weimar


Public Domain 

The project consists in 50 interventions in the public space of 25 different cities, and has been presented in 2 phases: first in Stockholm Supermarket Independent Art-Fair in 2012 and successively in Geneva Milkshake-agency project space in 2014.

Curated by: Artemis Potamianou and Giorgos Papadatos

Essays by: Elpida Karaba, Costantina Theodorou, Eva Fotiadi and Kostis Stafylakis

Graphic Design: Delia Potamianou

Participating artists:

Lanfranco Aceti - Elena Bajo - Ludovic Bernhardt - Bianco-Valente -

Marc Bijl & Alejandro Vidal - Erik Binder - Campus Novel - Δημήτρης Χρηστίδης/ Dimitris Christidis  - Common Culture -  Julie René de Cotret  - Benoît Delaunay  - Alix Delmas  -Guillaume Durand - Γιάννης Γρηγοριάδης/ Yiannis Grigoriadis - Gaël Grivet - Guerrilla Girls -  Γιώργος Γυπαράκης/ Giorgos Gyparakis - Emma Hammarén - Internationale Surplace - Γιάννης Ισιδώρου/ Yiannis Isidorou - Lilli Kinnunen - Θάνος Κλωνάρης/ Thanos Klonaris - Stephen Lee - Μαρία Λιανού/ Maria Lianou -  Tea Mäkipää - Sanna Marander - Εύα Μαραθάκη/ Eva Marathaki - Jenny Marketou - Δήμητρα Μαρούδα/ Dimitra Marouda -Μάρω Μιχαλακάκου/ Maro Michalakakos - Tanja Ostojic - Ευτύχης Πατσουράκης/ Eftihis Patsourakis /

Celine Peruzzo - Derrick Piens - Ίρις Πλαϊτάκη/ Iris Plaitakis -Θοδωρής Προδρομίδης/ Theo Prodromidis - Luke Ralphs - Erika Rothenberg –

Société Réaliste - Βασιλεία Στυλιανίδου/ Vassiliea Stylianidou - Γιώργος Ταξιαρχόπουλος/ Yorgos Taxiarchopoulos - Λίνα Θεοδώρου/ Lina Theodorou - Magnus Thierfelder - Eugenio Tibaldi - Σοφία Τούμπουρα/ Sofia Touboura  - Νίκος Τρανός/ Nikos Tranos - Alexia Turlin - Ανδρέας Βούσουρας/ Andreas Voussouras -

Θεόδωρος Ζαφειρόπουλος/ Theodoros Zafeiropoulos - Italo Zuffi .

Publication realized with the support of NEON

After the Rage

8 - 14.12.2011

Kader Attia, Couscous Aftermaths, 3000 year old movement, 2009, Video, Courtesy Kader Attia and Galerie Christian Nagel, Berlin

 After the rage is a video screening project taking place over 7 days which will feature the work of artists from Arab countries and the Arab diaspora.
In selecting these artists, the project seeks to draw attention to the geo-cultural conditions that have emerged in the past year, what the media termed the “Arab Spring”, thereby predetermining its eventual course. The end purpose here is not to come up with regional clusterings or to look for national and religious stereotypes, nor is it to locate geo-strategic blueprints and power relations.
It is, rather, to reveal the symbolic dimension of this reordering of societies, which is taking place through the mobilization of a massive part of their nexus, despite the heterogeneous, contradictory and, often, violent means involved.
The search for these experiences, directly or otherwise, in the work of Arab artists, not as a mere chronicle in a linear relationship to events or future possibilities, but as a framework, whose common thread is the “adversity condition”, is especially relevant for contemporary visual art production in Greece, a society dealing with equally peculiar conditions, albeit of different origin.

Participating artists: Ahmed AlSaer, Basma AlSharif, Kader Attia, Ismail Bahri, Taysir Batniji, Mounir Fatmi, Khaled Hafez, Lamia Joreige, Maha Maamoun, Walid Raad, Larissa Sansour.

Curating: Giorgos Papadatos
Organization: Lo and Behold
Texts: Charlotte Bank, Ilias Marmaras

Opening: Thurday 8.12.2011, 20.30pm
Duration: 8-14 December 2011
Venue: Beton7, Pydnas 7, 11855 Votanikos, tel. 0030 2107512625,